The U.S. has the highest coffee consumption in the world followed by Brazil which is the world’s leading coffee producer. Coffee represents a fairly large portion of Americans’ weekly spending at an average of $21.32 on coffee per week. A recent Penn State study revealed that 85% of the U.S. population consume at least on …
Workday Tips For Maintaining Good Health And Regulating Weight
In an office environment, standing up and waking around can help mitigate the harmful effects of sitting down for extended periods of time. A study from Glasgow University (UK) suggests that it is not just the amount of time you spend standing but the number of times you stand up as well. The study revealed …
The Dangers Of Not Getting Enough Vitamin D And How To Increase Your Intake Of It
Approximately 42% of all people living in the U.S. are prone to vitamin D deficiency and its associated health risks according to the Nutrition Research journal. The chances of survival can be further aggravated with serious conditions such as breast or prostate cancer. It is not clear why there is a connection with low levels …
New Dental Breakthrough Set To Transform Treatment Of Cavities. Teeth Are Stimulated To Repair Themselves
King’s College London has developed a new dental filling to repair cavities without the need for drilling and the pain that comes along with it. The new technique assists teeth to repair themselves and is called Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation (EAER). It speeds up the natural movement of calcium and phosphate minerals to the …
The Nutritional Value Of Eggs And The Best Ways To Cook Them
Eggs are cheap and nutritious, containing vitamins, healthy fats, trace nutrients, minerals, and proteins. They also have relatively few calories. But, as with most foods, some ways of cooking and eating them are healthier than others. While they can be eaten raw and many people do, cooking them destroys any potentially dangerous bacteria and makes …
Most Winter Boots Fail A WinterLab Test For Walking On Ice
People living in snowy climes like Canada are only too aware of how stressful walking on slippery sidewalks and roads can be during winter. A team of Canadian scientists recently tested almost 100 different types of boots for slip resistance and selected only eight models among their top picks. All the others were deemed not …
The Common Sense Way To Vision Improvement
Modern lifestyles revolve around prolonged staring at small type and images on computer screens, televisions, and cell phones which have a detrimental effect on eye health and an increase in age-related eye problems. There are, however, certain corrective measures individuals can take to stop further deterioration of vision and, in some cases, actually improve it. …
Sleep Your Way To Have Better Health And To Reduce Stress on Your Body & Mind
We are getting new insights into the importance of sleep and its relation with overall health. A lack of sleep can have severe repercussions and even contribute to psychiatric disorders and vice versa. Between 50% to 80% of psychiatric patients suffer from chronic sleep problems in the U.S. compared to 10% to 18% of all …
Smoking Can Cause Irreversible Changes To Human Genetic Makeup According To Study
A new study has revealed that smoking cigarettes can alter more than 7,000 human DNA genes which may be a contributory factor in the development of smoking-related diseases. This is about one-third of all known human genes. The study reviewed results from nearly 16,000 people who were part of both the Cohorts for Heart and …
New Study Reveals Different Thinking In Approach To Dealing With Peanut And Egg Allergies
Introducing kids to eggs and peanuts between the ages of 4 to 6 months old may reduce the risk of their developing allergies to these foods later according to a new study. Researchers analyzed information from nearly 150 previous studies involving more than 200,000 children and examined what happens when certain foods are introduced to …